
In the eighties the treatment of urinary stones by invasive treatment was taken over by the new treatment with acoustic shock waves. This treatment became known as Extra Corporal Shockwave Lithotripsy, shortly abbreviated as ESWL.

In the beginning the Equipment for this kind of treatment was rather expensive. Bent Bagger-Sørensen and Ingo Klemke came up with the idea of offering the ESWL treatment on a mobile basis and founded the company M•L•S Mobile Lithotripter Systemer ApS as a Danish company in 1988. 

Bent Bagger-Sørensen



The basic idea, which is valid up to this day, was to offer the equipment to the hospitals on a daily basis so they can offer the patients treatment at their own Hospital while keeping the expenses low. 

“Shared Medical Services” was the key to all the “smaller” hospitals to offer their patients an effective non invasive form of treatment and as for M•L•S Mobile Lithotripter Systemer ApS the way into business.

In the beginning M•L•S Mobile Lithotripter Systemer ApS covered Europe with the mobile concept from the Alps in the south to the arctic circle in the north with just one unit. Steady the amount of units grew and for practical reasons the company was divided into 2 separate companies in the beginning of the nineties. A German company was founded taking care of the market south of the Danish boarder and in England. The Danish company was turned into a limited company under the name, MLS Medical A/S. The Danish company was to serve the Nordic market. 

Our first UNIT was a French build “Sonolith 2000” from Technomed. This was to become the last machine with an open water system, operating with the spark gap technology to release an acoustic shockwave. To locate the stone an advanced Ultrasound Scanner was used. Modern Lithotripters to day offer both Ultrasound and X-ray locating options.

The passed 20 years our equipment has been changed 6 times to keep our services working on “state of the art” equipment.